Thursday, January 31, 2008

Logan Temple Jan 26, 2008

Oh, it was the most AMAZING day, the most Splendid experience sweeter than any other, this was what Mark and I have waited almost two decades to do...we were in the Lord's house, we were being sealed for time and all eternity. I am without the capability of expressing the shear bliss, the love, the emotion and power of it all, it was satisfying, complete, penetrating, beautiful, magical, peaceful, gitty (oh, wait, that was ME), exciting, was PERFECT and Eternal
We weren't able to get many pictures; however, there's enough to preserve the spledid and lovely skies, warm sunshine the beams of which bounced from the snow making it glisten and sparkle.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

OH, oh yeah...THERE you are...!

Whew! I can't believe how much has happened since last I posted. I think each thing deserves its own post: the death of a dear and beloved friend, I overcame a HUGE mountain in personal growth, CHRISTMAS, I joined a new forum for doulas and LOVE it, Mark and I celebrated our anniversary AND we went to the LOGAN TEMPLE together to be sealed for time and all eternity!

I'm thinking of writing a book about the perfect husband--I live with him you know. :o)

I love being Mark's wife. He is so profoundly generous, loving, and extremely romantic.

If I had four words to say to the world they would be: SEARCH, PONDER, PRAY, and PREPARE!

I'll post more in my individual expressions of those things in my list above.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


This morning on the radio I listened as the news recapped a story of a woman riding the city’s light rail transportation. This woman was minding her own business when comes along “Mr. I’m-all-that” who with his irresistible approach bestows the enviable honor of his sexual interest. “Mr. I’m-all-that” puts forward his sexual advances, which, of course, ANY woman in her right mind would instantly melt and right then and there rip off every stitch of her clothing, attacking him for the mighty blessing of his sexual prowess and good looks.
Well, unfortunately for this woman, SHE evidently didn’t understand or realize the grace with which she’d been bequeathed when chosen to experience the superior honor of being the item of desire for this great “Mr. I’m-all-that” and mistakenly thought she had the right to say NO once he has selected her to pleasure him. “Mr. I’m-all-that” was offended, this was simply unacceptable, after all, he is ALL THAT and MORE!! Clearly all his trips into and out of prison have refined him beyond reproach in prestige. Certainly every female on the planet has been sitting locked up in there rooms pining away and praying for the day he would again leave his stay behind bars and look upon them with favor that they may delight him. Surely this woman must be playing a game; after all this is “Mr. I’m-all-that” we’re talking about. It must be modesty she was going for, she was simply playing hard-to-get because as we’ve established, EVERY woman has been dreaming of the moment when this fellow would offer his advances toward her.
He again gave her an offer she could not refuse to which she declined and physically moved herself. Well, let’s just make it clear now that this has to be at the top of the list, the absolute highest cardinal sin there has ever been! This just couldn’t be abided, not for one second…
So, “Mr. I’m-all-that” walked up to the sitting woman and begins to rearrange her face; he plows into her TEN times breaking her nose with the full force of his fiery for having been denied. She sat there trying to defend herself, screaming for help from the FIFTEEN other so-call human beings also riding the city light rail who did a grand total of NOTHING, nada, zip! That’s right, so CLEARLY, this guy had the RIGHT to beat the crap out of a woman declining his advances, otherwise at least ONE of those organ carrying lumps of flesh would have yelled at him, run to her rescue, called 911, or pressed the emergency button to alert someone that there was a problem. BUT since NO ONE did a damn thing other than watch as this woman was brutalized, I guess there had been a memo sent out about this “Mr. I’m-all-that” for which this woman, nor I, received.
This just makes me SICK! 16 beings wasting human flesh and using up oxygen real people need and deserve! How can we sit by and allow things like this to happen? HOW?! For crying out loud, not even ONE call to 911! Should we not expect more...much, much more from each other?!