Monday, September 17, 2007

Movie Woes

OK, can ANYone tell me WHY exactly it's so dang important to edify fornication and adultery, ignorant expressions filled with profanity, mockery of respectful and generalized good manners, and applause the intolerance of normal behavior as defined by the author and creator of this world and all the creatures herein? Why must I watch an otherwise decent movie with a nice story--maybe even a message of value, buried under a quagmire of filth and immorality? Is it really all that necessary for me to sit down with my children ready to enjoy a cute story and be assaulted with nudity and simulations of sexual encounters? Movies supposedly rated judiciously and cautiously to protect young viewers are filled with “just a bit” of violence, “just a little” profanity, and “only a few” scenes of sex or nudity. It’s utterly frustrating. Why are we advertising for our children the ridiculous notion that “free love”, openly uncommitted body bouncing is the best we can do, why the mockery o f self-respect and value, why the celebration of degradation??? I don’t understand it!!!

I watched a moving the other night where a young man brings home the woman he thinks he wants to marry, she chooses not the sleep in the same bed with him under his mother’s roof, and is jeered BY THE MOTHER who’s character claims the choice to be RIDICULOUS…yes, ridiculous. No, this girl isn’t coming to dinner wearing her great-grandmother’s underwear on her head holding tightly to the worn and torn fuzzy blanket she had growing up and sucking her thumb…no, it isn’t something “ridiculous” at all…it was the minimal thing this woman could do to show an ounce of respect to self and the family; however, instead of any type of approval, this action is shunned and ridiculed.

Today, I watched a movie that appeared to be a great movie about mother/daughter relationship wrapped in comedy. Yes, well, it was laughable alright! Mother and daughters comparing sexual exploitation, belittlement of a young woman NOT mopping up the town with her undergarments, and then the scintillating adoration of her moving along with TWO intimate relationships at the same time…the only redeeming thing about the movie is the credits. I was so disappointed. This story could have been told, with most of the same jokes, minus devaluing virtue. We did not need to see a beautiful young woman act like her otherwise high standard for life had little or no worth for her body…she, in essence, became a tourist site…she, being a rare and beautiful work of art was reduced to a piece of cheap costume jewelry one would find carelessly thrown into an old box and placed on a folding table to be rifled through in a yard sale…for what purpose?? She was hurt and left alone due to the actions so celebrated by society’s clamoring self-indulgent 30-second microwave dogma.

It’s just so tiring.

This weekend we brought home a beautiful movie, well written, well executed; yet, even this children’s movie honored the heresy of non-committed unfiltered idealization of fornication. Why in the world do we portray for children the wonderful happiness and bliss of things study after study have proven do NOT bring lasting joy, do NOT bring security, and only mockingly falsify love?

Let me clear here; this isn’t the ranting of a prude. I have no problem openly and blatantly talking about sexual relations, intimacy, body parts, etc…I’ve been known to talk about sex, say the words: uterus, vagina, and penis in church; however, it’s never with utter or ignorant disrespect.

I’m not shuttered or shut down by the mere placement of the subjects within a storyline; it’s the irreverence, the recklessness, the bold-faced deception of it all. The worst part of it all was that in two of these movies it was the MOTHER who was encouraging the foolishness…and sadly, the mother in both movies was played by a woman I had once held high regard for.

There really isn’t much a family can watch together, the standards are barely higher for entertainment of families than it is for wanton degenerates.


Mardel said...

So you sent me an email to come check out your site , and it is alot more text than I expected to see in the time I have to look at it, so I am honoring your suggestion and saying Yes, I made it here. It's in my favorites so I can come back to read for real. I started to read the "bad movie"review(it's thorough and written well enough to be published, by the way)but I havn't the time to sit at the comp for that long. We are on our way to the dentist this morning. Just a side note on the "where's good family entertainment?" word. LIKEN You'll be liken liken! Especially David and G and Samuel the Lamanite. Now THOSE are worthy of some blissfully
gushing Regina blogging!

This looks like a neat blog you've set up, looking forward to coming back for more. Until then, happy blogging and living!

Unknown said...

Unfortunately I have to agree with you on the movie thing. It is terrible that wrong is called good and good called bad just for the sake of RATINGS and the ALMIGHTY Dollar. I also think it is sad that most people will allow this message to be the one that their children receive as correct and approprate instead of taking the time or the responsability to teach them correctly. That the human body and our sexuality are beautiful and God Given. I believe that in the right place and time the closest thing to heaven one can achieve this act of Love given to us by a loving God for a very the wornderful purpose of closeness with our spouses, as well as the co-creation with God to make and bring children into the world.